Dynamics of acute toxicity, respiratory activity and oil degradation efficiency during gray forest soil remediation


  • Alina A. Utombaeva Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Lenar K. Karimullin Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Андрей Михайлович Петров Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Anatoly A. Vershinin Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Erik R. Zainulgabidinov Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Tatyana V. Kuznetsova Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Igor V. Knyazev Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences




oil, gray forest soil, sewage sludge, phytotoxicity, respiratory activity, plant productivity


In the course of two-stage ten-week studies, including experiments on technical and combined (technical + biological) remediation, the dynamics of respiratory and toxicological characteristics of gray forest medium loamy soil containing different doses of oil pollution was determined. Oil pollution led to the growth of biochemical activity of soil, appearance of toxic effect. In soil samples with initial oil content of 5.2, 10.5, 20.5 and 28.8 g/kg, a direct correlation between the level of acute toxic effect, basal respiration rate (Vbasal), microbial respiration coefficient (Qr) and oil content and an inverse correlation between pollutant content and substrate-induced respiration rate (Vsid) were registered. Application of thermomechanically treated granulated sludge of municipal sewage (granulate) at the rate of 20 t/ha into the soil during biological recultivation resulted in strengthening of acute toxic effect, which was not eliminated till the end of the experiment when tested on wheat in variants containing 10.5–28.8 g/kg of petroleum products. The observed synchronous change of toxicity in time at different contents of oil products indicateв the occurrence of similar processes. Application of granulate containing 60.4% organic matter, 3.0% Ntot and 1.5% Ptot resulted in 9–18-fold increase of Vbasal and 4–10-fold increase of Vsid and decrease of stability of soil microbocenoses (increase of Qr values). By the end of the experiment the differences in Vbasal and Vsid values of experiments on technical and combined reclamation leveled out, according to Qr their stability had close values. Incubation of soil samples at the 2nd stage of experiments showed that higher destructive activity of microorganisms at biological recultivation provided additional 4–12% reduction of oil products content. The residual content of petroleum products in soil samples after experiments on technical and combined reclamation amounted to 2.5, 6.2, 12.1, 17.6 and 2.1, 5.4, 9.0, 13.7 g/kg, respectively. The sowing of a mixture of higher plants revealed higher productivity of green mass on oil-contaminated samples that underwent successive technical and biological remediation.


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How to Cite

Utombaeva, A. A., Karimullin, L. K., Петров, А. М., Vershinin, A. A., Zainulgabidinov, E. R., Kuznetsova, T. V., & Knyazev, I. V. (2024). Dynamics of acute toxicity, respiratory activity and oil degradation efficiency during gray forest soil remediation. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (2), 63–72. https://doi.org/10.24852/2411-7374.2024.2.63.72



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