A review of Russian and foreign sources of multispectral imagery for agroecological monitoring systems development


  • Stanislav S. Ryazanov Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Valentina I. Kulagina Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences




Roskosmos, Landsat, Sentinel, remote sensing


Materials from multispectral remote sensing of the Earth by spacecrafts have become the main regularly updated source of operational information in such areas as forestry, agriculture, soil science, cryosphere research and monitoring the effects of global warming, etc. The article provides the review of Russian space satellites. They monitor the Earth's surface in multispectral imaging mode, comparing the parameters of satellite images with foreign sources of remote sensing data and assessing the main characteristics of satellite images. The latter determine the possibility of their use for creating agro- and environmental monitoring systems. The parameters of Landsat 8 and 9, Sentinel–2, Aist–2D, Kanopus–V, Resurs–P, Meteor–M devices were examined. In all satellites considered, the spatial resolution depended on the shooting mode and the type of sensor. All Russian devices had fairly high resolution in multispectral mode. From archival data, the best resolution had the Resurs–P satellite – 3 m. The presence of the red and near–infrared range in all satellite systems made it possible to calculate the most common spectral indices to characterize the general state of vegetation cover, such as NDVI, RVI, SAVI, TVI and etc. The presence of additional layers in the range of the red barrier of photosynthesis (RedEdge layers) and the short–wave infrared range provided additional opportunities for analyzing the parameters of green plant biomass. Using the example of the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the time resolution and spatial coverage of survey materials were considered. For any location on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, 10‒26 Landsat images were available with total cloud cover of less than 30% during the growing season. Sentinel–2 satellites provided about 10‒45 images with total cloud cover less than 30% during the growing season. The spatial and temporal coverage of Russian satellites had significant limitations. The best coverage of the Earth's surface among domestic satellite systems was provided by the Canopus–V group of satellites. At the same time, the distribution of images was extremely uneven. On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan there were both areas with a high density of images during the growing season (about 15–20 pieces), and areas not covered by images at all


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How to Cite

Ryazanov, S. S., & Kulagina, V. I. (2024). A review of Russian and foreign sources of multispectral imagery for agroecological monitoring systems development. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (2), 4–18. https://doi.org/10.24852/2411-7374.2024.2.04.18




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