Approaches to calculations of inertia in a river hydrochemical regime


  • Irina V. Gerasimova Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Vsevolod S. Valiev Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Dmitrii V. Ivanov Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences



ecological-hydrological systems, water quality, pollution, sustainability, inertia index


Assessing the inertia of the ecological-hydrological system is extremely important for the effective management of the water management complex of the basin and for predicting the environmental situation as a whole as well. It was shown that the time and amplitude of system parameters variation depended as on the intensity of the impact and on the rate of occurrence of the reactions that provided variability as well. For the estimation of inertia in ecological and hydrological systems, it was optimal to use a pool of hydrochemical indicators. In the case of calculating the variation of the specific combinatorial pollution index, an algorithm for assessing the inertia of the ecological-hydrological system of the river basin was demonstrated


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How to Cite

Gerasimova, I. V., Valiev, V. S., & Ivanov, D. V. (2024). Approaches to calculations of inertia in a river hydrochemical regime. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (1), 45–49.




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