Accounting the natural-anthropogenic features of hydrochemical indicators distribution when calculating specific combinatorial index of surface water pollution


  • Yulia A. Tunakova Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev ‒ KAI
  • Vsevolod S. Valiev Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Evgeniya Vasilyevna Baibakova Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev ‒ KAI



surface waters, hydrochemical indicators, substances of dual genesis, regional threshold concentrations, specific combinatorial index of water pollution


The article substantiates the relevance of using regional threshold concentrations of potential pollutants when we record natural and anthropogenic features of hydrochemical composition of water bodies to determine the level of their pollution by the method of integrated assessment of hydrochemical indicators. The results of calculation of specific combinatorial indices of water pollution (SCIWPI) for rivers of the Republic of Tatarstan, carried out on the basis of the approved maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of hydrochemical indicators for water bodies of fishery purpose and mathematically justified regional threshold concentrations are presented. The results of assessment of generalized indices allow to highlight manganese and sulfate ions as substances of double genesis, which have mainly natural origin. The use of their threshold values instead of MPC allows to significantly decline the contribution of these substances to the generalized pollution index. On the contrary, the contribution of such indicators as nitrates, chlorides and chemical oxygen demand increases when we use threshold values for calculating combinatorial indices. The latter can indicate the predominantly anthropogenic nature of pollution in this case


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How to Cite

Tunakova, Y. A., Valiev, V. S., & Baibakova, E. V. (2024). Accounting the natural-anthropogenic features of hydrochemical indicators distribution when calculating specific combinatorial index of surface water pollution. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (1), 39–44.




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