Effect of meliorants on cadmium mobility in soils


  • Larisa V. Pilip Vyatka State Agrotechnological University
  • Nadezhda V. Syrchina Vyatka State University




manure effluents; agrozem; cadmium; mobility; phosphorites of the Verkhnekamsk poor; limestone; soil meliorants


The study presents the results of the content of gross and mobile forms of cadmium in agrozems fertilized by high rates of liquid fraction of manure effluents and in the soil of control sites. The mechanical composition of the agrozems and the soil of the control sites was identical – medium loam. According to the data obtained, the content of gross Cd in the soil of the control plots was 0.01–0.04 mg/kg, and in agrozems 0.09–0.10 mg/kg. The latter indicated the accumulation of Cd in the root horizon of the soil. Agrozems were also characterized by higher content of mobile Cd. In the laboratory experiment we studied the effect of limestone flour and phosphorites of the Verkhnekamsk poor on Cd mobility in soils with different acidity and organic matter content. Neither limestone flour nor phosphorites of the Verkhnekamsk poor had significant effect on the corresponding indicator. However, in soil samples with the addition of limestone flour, there was a certain tendency to transition Cd into an acid-soluble form. 8 weeks after the addition of additives, Cd mobility in all soil samples with the addition of phosphorites of the Verkhnekamsky poor was lower than in the soil with the addition of limestone flour. The results obtained showed that the choice of ameliorants for the rehabilitation of Cd-contaminated soils was of fundamental importance.


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How to Cite

Pilip, L. V., & Syrchina, N. V. (2023). Effect of meliorants on cadmium mobility in soils. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (4), 60–66. https://doi.org/10.24852/2411-7374.2023.4.60.66



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