Productivity trends of agricultural and forest landscapes in Belarussian Polesia in 2000-2022 (according to the MODIS Terra Data)


  • Andrei P. Gusev F. Skorina Gomel State University



landscape, NDVI, trend, MODIS, climate change, Belarusian Polesia


The purpose of this work is to analyze the long-term dynamics of NDVI in agricultural and forest landscapes of the Belarusian Polesia as a response to global changes). Changes in climate and land use in test areas in 2000–2022 were studied. An analysis and assessment of the statistical significance of NDVI trends in agricultural and forest landscapes were carried out. A positive correlation of NDVI of agricultural landscapes with summer precipitation was found (correlation coefficient 0.27); NDVI of forest landscapes is positively correlated with mean annual and summer temperatures (correlation coefficients are 0.15 and 0.26, respectively). A positive correlation has been established between the NDVI of forest landscapes and the content of CO2 in the atmosphere; in agricultural landscapes, there is no correlation between NDVI and CO2 content.


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How to Cite

Gusev, A. P. (2023). Productivity trends of agricultural and forest landscapes in Belarussian Polesia in 2000-2022 (according to the MODIS Terra Data). Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (3), 28–33.


