Background concentrations as a measure for regulating the environment quality (review)


  • Dmitrii V. Ivanov Research Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 28, Daurskaya st., Kazan, 420087, Russia



rationing, geochemical background, pollution, soil, bottom sediments, surface waters


The system for standardizing the quality of natural environments in the Russian Federation is based on the established sanitary and hygienic maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in natural environments: atmospheric air, surface waters and soils. In the calculations of soil and bottom sediment pollution indicators in the world environmental practice, natural background concentrations of heavy metals and oil products related to substances of double genesis are widely used. Improving the domestic system of environmental regulation implies a wider use of the geochemical background as an effective criterion for assessing anthropogenic changes recorded in the process of monitoring and environmental control of natural environments. The article examines foreign and domestic approaches to the concept of «background» and to algorithms for its determination, which are of great practical importance in organizing and conducting ecological and geochemical studies, as well as in performing various assessments of the level of pollution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in spatial and temporal aspects.


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How to Cite

Ivanov, D. V. (2021). Background concentrations as a measure for regulating the environment quality (review). Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (4), 55–66.



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