Assessment of the Volga Federal District superior for human habitation


  • Yu.P. Perevedentsev
  • T.R. Aukhadeev
  • A.V. Antonova
  • K.M. Shantalinskii


climate change, the pathogenicity index, the day to day fluctuations, human health and the environment


Space-time analysis of the total pathogenicity In-dex I and its particular components in the territory of the Volga Federal District (VFD) was carried out. Increase of annoying weather conditions comes from the southwest of VFD to the north-east. Comfort-able weather conditions are typical for the summer months. In winter, the main contribution to the overall Index I make pathogenicity indexes of air tempera-ture and the day to day fluctuations in temperature, the role of cloud and humidity pathogenicity indexes increases in summer. Analysis of the distribution of pathogenicity index repeatability showed that com-fortable weather (more than 50% of cases) occur in May-August, annoying in March-April, October and sharp in more than 50% of cases occur in January, February, November and December.


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How to Cite

Perevedentsev, Y., Aukhadeev, T., Antonova, A., & Shantalinskii, K. (2016). Assessment of the Volga Federal District superior for human habitation. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (4), 3–7. Retrieved from


