Spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils of Nizhnekamsk city


  • D.V. Ivanov
  • R.R. Shagidullin
  • A.B. Aleksandrova
  • V.V. Malanin
  • A.A. Marasov
  • E.E. Paimikina
  • V.S. Valiev
  • R.R. Khasanov


Nizhnekamsk industrial hub, soil, heavy metals, pollution, geochemical mobility


The character of the spatial distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr, Mn, Fe) in the soil cover of Nizhnekamsk city (the Republic of Tatarstan), one of the largest centers of the petrochemical industry in Russia, is investigated. It is shown that the observed level of soil contamination with metals is formed as a result of atmospheric emissions of sources located on the territory of the Nizhnekamsk industrial hub, as well as under the influence of road transport pollution. he main sources of soil contamination by gross and mobile forms of metals are concentrated near the emission sources, and their shape and intensity depend on the parameters of emission dispersion. According to the gross content of metals in soils, there are no significant deviations from regional background values, the level of pollution is estimated as «weak». The most potential danger for the soil ecosystem within the boundaries of a single sanitary protection zone of enterprises is represented by mobile forms of metals, primarily lead, copper and zinc compounds. In the residential zone of Nizhnekamsk, there was no noticeable change in the mobility of heavy metals in comparison with the background.


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РД 52.18.191-89. Методические указания. Методика выполнения измерений массовой доли кислоторастворимых форм металлов (меди, свинца, цинка, никеля, кадмия) в пробах почвы атомно-абсорбционным анализом.

РД 52.18.289-90. Методические указания. Методика выполнения измерений массовой доли подвижных форм металлов (меди, свинца, цинка, никеля, кадмия, кобальта, хрома, марганца) в пробах почвы атомно-абсорбционным анализом.

Региональные нормативы «Фоновое содержание тяжелых металлов в почвах Республики Татарстан». Приказ Министерства экологии и природных ресурсов РТ от 30.12.2015 г. №1134-к.



How to Cite

Ivanov, D., Shagidullin, R., Aleksandrova, A., Malanin, V., Marasov, A., Paimikina, E., Valiev, V., & Khasanov, R. (2017). Spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils of Nizhnekamsk city. Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (4), 39–47. Retrieved from




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