
  • Всеволод Сергеевич Валиев Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ
  • Денис Евгеньевич Шамаев Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ
  • Рустам Равилевич Хасанов Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ
  • Виталий Викторович Маланин Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ



Ключевые слова:

тяжелые металлы, донные отложения, органическое вещество, гранулометрический состав, реакция среды


При оценке подвижности тяжелых металлов в системе «вода – донные отложения» важно не только понимать условия и особенности фазовых переходов, но и иметь надежные критерии для их оценки и интерпретации. Среди факторов иммобилизации металлов в донных отложениях обычно рассматривают присутствие в них органического вещества и тонкодисперсных фракций и pH среды. Целью исследования явилось построение репрезентативных моделей такой взаимосвязи.

Список литературы

  1. Бреховских В.Ф. Тяжёлые металлы в донных отложениях Нижней Волги и дельты реки // Вода: химия и экология. 2010. №2. С. 2‒10.
  2. Даувальтер В.А. Геоэкология донных отложений озер. Мурманск: МГТУ, 2012. 242 с.
  3. Добровольский В.В. Роль гуминовых кислот в формировании миграционных массопотоков тяжелых металлов // Почвоведение. 2004. №1. С. 32‒39.
  4. Садчиков А.П. Структурные показатели бактерий и детрита в пресных водоемах (методические аспекты) // Материалы по флоре и фауне Республики Башкортостан / Сборник статей. Вып. XII. Уфа: РИЦ БашГУ, 2016. C. 37‒42.
  5. Кочарян А.Г., Веницианов Е.В., Сафронова Н.С., Серенькая Е.П. Сезонные изменения форм нахождения тяжёлых металлов в донных отложениях Куйбышевского водохранилища // Водные ресурсы. 2003. Т. 30, №4. С. 443‒451.
  6. Толкачёв Г.Ю. Сравнительная характеристика содержания и форм существования микроэлементов в донных отложениях различных районов р. Волга // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. 2017. №3. С. 85‒89.
  7. Толкачёв Г.Ю. Тяжёлые металлы в системе «вода–донные отложения». Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. 98 с.
  8. Balls P.W. The partition of trace metals between dissolved and particulate phases in European coastal waters: A compilation of field data and comparison with laboratory studies // Netherlands journal of sea research. 1989. Vol. 23, iss. 1. Р. 7–14.
  9. Bantan R.A., Al-Dubai T.A., Al-Zubieri A.G. Geo-environmental assessment of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Southern Corniche of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia // Marine pollution bulletin. 2020. Vol. 161(Pt A). 111721. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111721
  10. Baran A., Mierzwa-Hersztek M., Gondek K., Tarnawski M., Szara M. The influence of the quantity and quality of sediment organic matter on the potential mobility and toxicity of trace elements in bottom sediment // Environmental geochemistry and health. 2019. Vol. 41. Р. 2893‒2910. doi: 10.1007/s10653-019-00359-7
  11. Chen J., Gu B., Royer G.B., Burgos R.W. The roles of natural organic matter in chemical and microbial reduction of ferric ion // The science of total environment. 2003. Vol. 307, iss. 1‒3. P. 167‒178 р. doi: 10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00538-7
  12. Horowitz A.J. A primer on trace metal-sediment chemistry. Alexandria, 1985. 67 p.
  13. Steell K.F., Wagner G.H. Trace metal relationships in bottom sediments of freshwater stream the Buffalo River, Arkansas. J. Sediment Petrol. 1975. Vol. 45. №1. P. 310–319.
  14. Hutchins C.M., Teasdale P.R., Lee J., Simpson S.L. The effect of manipulating sediment pH on the porewater chemistry of copper- and zinc-spiked sediments // Chemosphere. 2007. Vol. 69, №7. Р. 1089‒1099. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.04.029
  15. Jabłońska-Czapla M., Nocoń K., Szopa S., Łyko A. Impact of the Pb and Zn ore mining industry on the pollution of the Biała Przemsza River, Poland // Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2016. Vol. 188, №5. Р. 262. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5233-3
  16. Joshua E.O., Oyebanjo O.A. Grain-size and heavy mineral analysis of River Osun sediments // Australian journal of basic and applied science. 2010. №4(3). P. 498‒501.
  17. Kulbat E., Sokołowska A. Methods of assessment of metal contamination in bottom sediments (Case study: Straszyn Lake, Poland) // Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2019. Vol. 77, №4. Р. 605‒618. doi: 10.1007/s00244-019-00662-5
  18. MacDonald D.D., Ingersoll C.G., Berger T.A. Development and evaluation of consensus-based quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystem // Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2000. Vol. 39. Р. 20‒31.
  19. Martínez-Santos M., Probst A., García-García J., Ruiz-Romera E. Influence of anthropogenic inputs and a high-magnitude flood event on metal contamination pattern in surface bottom sediments from the Deba River urban catchment // The science of total environment. 2015. Vol. 514. P. 10–25.
  20. Michalski R., Kostecki M., Kernert J., Pecyna P. Time and spatial variability in concentrations of selected metals and their species in water and bottom sediments of Dzierżno Duże (Poland) // Journal of environmental science and health. Part A. Toxic/Hazardous substances & environmental engineering. 2019. Vol. 54, №8. Р. 728‒735. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2019.1592530
  21. Ming L., Jingbo C., Xueshi S., Zhizhou H., Dejiang F. Accumulation and transformation of heavy metals in surface sediments from the Yangtze River estuary to the East China Sea shelf // Environmental pollution. 2019. Vol. 245. P. 111‒121. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.128
  22. Steell K.F., Wagner G.H. Trace metal relationships in bottom sediments of freshwater stream the Buffalo River, Arkansas // Journal of sedimentary petrology. 1975. Vol. 45, №1. P. 310–319.
  23. Vasiliev O.F., Papina T.S., Pozdnjakov Sh.R. Suspended sediment and associated mercury transport – the case study on the Katun River // Proc. 4 Int. Symp. on river sedimentation. Beijing. China: IRTCES, 1990. P. 155–162.
  24. Vodyanitskii Y., Vlasov D. Integrated assessment of affinity to chemical fractions and environmental pollution with heavy metals: a new approach based on sequential extraction results // International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021. Vol. 10, №18(16). Р. 8458. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168458
  25. Wasserman J., Oliveira F., Bidarra M. Cu and Fe associated with humic acids in sediments of a tropical coastal lagoon // Organic geochemistry. 2003. Vol. 28. P. 813–822.
  26. Wolter K. Bacterial in corporation of organic substances released by natural phytoplankton population // Marine ecology progress series. 1982. Vol. 17, №3. Р. 287‒295.
  27. Wu G.H., Cao S.S., Chen S.R., Cao F.T. Accumulation and remobilization of metals in superficial sediments in Tianjin, China // Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2011. Vol. 173, №1‒4. Р. 917‒928. doi: 10.1007/s10661-010-1434-3
  28. Xun X., Qingliang Z., Mingsong W., Jing D., Weixian Z. Biodegradation of organic matter and anodic microbial communities analysis in sediment microbial fuel cells with/without Fe(III) oxide addition // Bioresource technology. 2017. Vol. 225. P. 402‒408. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.11.126
  29. Yanqi Z., Ying Y., Rongkun D., Sobkowiak L., Xinyi W., Lizhi X. Adsorption and migration of heavy metals between sediments and overlying water in the Xinhe River in central China // Water science and technology. 2021. Vol. 84, №5. Р. 1257‒1269. doi: 10.2166/wst.2021.314

Библиографические ссылки

Brekhovskih V.F. Tyazhyolye metally v donnyh otlozheniyah Nizhnej Volgi i del'ty reki [Heavy metals in bottom sediments of the Lower Volga and river delta] // Voda: himiya i ekologiya [Water: chemistry and ecology]. 2010. №2. P. 2‒10.

Dauval'ter V.A. Geoekologiya donnyh otlozhenij ozer [Geoecology of lake sediments]. Murmansk: MGTU, 2012. 242 p.

Dobrovol'skij V.V. Rol' guminovyh kislot v formirovanii migracionnyh massopotokov tyazhelyh metallov [The role of humic acids in the formation of migration mass flows of heavy metals] // Pochvovedenie [Soil science]. 2004. №1. P. 32‒39.

Sadchikov A.P. Strukturnye pokazateli bakterij i detrita v presnyh vodoemah (metodicheskie aspekty) [Structural indicators of bacteria and detritus in fresh water bodies (methodological aspects)] // Materialy po flore i faune Respubliki Bashkortostan [Materials on the flora and fauna of the Republic of Bashkortostan] / Sbornik statej [Collection of articles]. Iss. XII. Ufa: BashGU, 2016. P. 37‒42.

Kocharyan A.G., Venicianov E.V., Safronova N.S., Seren'kaya E.P. Sezonnye izmeneniya form nahozhdeniya tyazhyolyh metallov v donnyh otlozheniyah Kujbyshevskogo vodohranilishcha [Seasonal changes in the forms of occurrence of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Kuibyshev reservoir] // Vodnye resursy [Water resources]. 2003. Vol. 30, №4. P. 443‒451.

Tolkachyov G.YU. Sravnitel'naya harakteristika soderzhaniya i form sushchestvovaniya mikroelementov v donnyh otlozheniyah razlichnyh rajonov r. Volga [Comparative characteristics of the content and forms of existence of microelements in bottom sediments of various regions of the river. Volga] // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij zhurnal [International research journal]. 2017. №3. P. 85‒89.

Tolkachyov G.Yu. Tyazhyolye metally v sisteme «voda–donnye otlozheniya» [Heavy metals in the «water-sediments» system.]. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. 98 p.

Balls P.W. The partition of trace metals between dissolved and particulate phases in European coastal waters: A compilation of field data and comparison with laboratory studies // Netherlands journal of sea research. 1989. Vol. 23, iss. 1. Р. 7–14.

Bantan R.A., Al-Dubai T.A., Al-Zubieri A.G. Geo-environmental assessment of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Southern Corniche of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia // Marine pollution bulletin. 2020. Vol. 161(Pt A). 111721. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111721

Baran A., Mierzwa-Hersztek M., Gondek K., Tarnawski M., Szara M. The influence of the quantity and quality of sediment organic matter on the potential mobility and toxicity of trace elements in bottom sediment // Environmental geochemistry and health. 2019. Vol. 41. Р. 2893‒2910. doi: 10.1007/s10653-019-00359-7

Chen J., Gu B., Royer G.B., Burgos R.W. The roles of natural organic matter in chemical and microbial reduction of ferric ion // The science of total environment. 2003. Vol. 307, iss. 1‒3. P. 167‒178 р. doi: 10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00538-7

Horowitz A.J. A primer on trace metal-sediment chemistry. Alexandria, 1985. 67 p.

Steell K.F., Wagner G.H. Trace metal relationships in bottom sediments of freshwater stream the Buffalo River, Arkansas. J. Sediment Petrol. 1975. Vol. 45. №1. P. 310–319.

Hutchins C.M., Teasdale P.R., Lee J., Simpson S.L. The effect of manipulating sediment pH on the porewater chemistry of copper- and zinc-spiked sediments // Chemosphere. 2007. Vol. 69, №7. Р. 1089‒1099. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.04.029

Jabłońska-Czapla M., Nocoń K., Szopa S., Łyko A. Impact of the Pb and Zn ore mining industry on the pollution of the Biała Przemsza River, Poland // Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2016. Vol. 188, №5. Р. 262. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5233-3

Joshua E.O., Oyebanjo O.A. Grain-size and heavy mineral analysis of River Osun sediments // Australian journal of basic and applied science. 2010. №4(3). P. 498‒501.

Kulbat E., Sokołowska A. Methods of assessment of metal contamination in bottom sediments (Case study: Straszyn Lake, Poland) // Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2019. Vol. 77, №4. Р. 605‒618. doi: 10.1007/s00244-019-00662-5

MacDonald D.D., Ingersoll C.G., Berger T.A. Development and evaluation of consensus-based quality guidelines for freshwater ecosystem // Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2000. Vol. 39. Р. 20‒31.

Martínez-Santos M., Probst A., García-García J., Ruiz-Romera E. Influence of anthropogenic inputs and a high-magnitude flood event on metal contamination pattern in surface bottom sediments from the Deba River urban catchment // The science of total environment. 2015. Vol. 514. P. 10–25.

Michalski R., Kostecki M., Kernert J., Pecyna P. Time and spatial variability in concentrations of selected metals and their species in water and bottom sediments of Dzierżno Duże (Poland) // Journal of environmental science and health. Part A. Toxic/Hazardous substances & environmental engineering. 2019. Vol. 54, №8. Р. 728‒735. doi: 10.1080/10934529.2019.1592530

Ming L., Jingbo C., Xueshi S., Zhizhou H., Dejiang F. Accumulation and transformation of heavy metals in surface sediments from the Yangtze River estuary to the East China Sea shelf // Environmental pollution. 2019. Vol. 245. P. 111‒121. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.10.128

Steell K.F., Wagner G.H. Trace metal relationships in bottom sediments of freshwater stream the Buffalo River, Arkansas. J. Sediment Petrol. 1975. Vol. 45, №1. P. 310–319.

Vasiliev O.F., Papina T.S., Pozdnjakov Sh.R. Suspended sediment and associated mercury transport – the case study on the Katun River // Proc. 4 Int. Symp. on river sedimentation. Beijing. China: IRTCES, 1990. P. 155–162.

Vodyanitskii Y., Vlasov D. Integrated assessment of affinity to chemical fractions and environmental pollution with heavy metals: a new approach based on sequential extraction results // International journal of environmental research and public health. 2021.Vol. 10, №18(16). Р. 8458. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168458

Wasserman J., Oliveira F., Bidarra M. Cu and Fe associated with humic acids in sediments of a tropical coastal lagoon // Organic geochemistry. 2003. Vol. 28. P. 813–822.

Wolter K. Bacterial in corporation of organic substances released by natural phytoplankton population // Marine ecology progress series. 1982. Vol. 17, №3. Р. 287‒295.

Wu G.H., Cao S.S., Chen S.R., Cao F.T. Accumulation and remobilization of metals in superficial sediments in Tianjin, China // Environmental monitoring and assessment. 2011. Vol. 173, №1‒4. Р. 917‒928. doi: 10.1007/s10661-010-1434-3

Xun X., Qingliang Z., Mingsong W., Jing D., Weixian Z. Biodegradation of organic matter and anodic microbial communities analysis in sediment microbial fuel cells with/without Fe(III) oxide addition // Bioresource technology. 2017. Vol. 225. P. 402‒408. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.11.126

Yanqi Z., Ying Y., Rongkun D., Sobkowiak L., Xinyi W., Lizhi X. Adsorption and migration of heavy metals between sediments and overlying water in the Xinhe River in central China // Water science and technology. 2021. Vol. 84, №5. Р. 1257‒1269. doi: 10.2166/wst.2021.314




Как цитировать

Валиев, В. С., Шамаев, Д. Е., Хасанов, Р. Р., & Маланин, В. В. (2022). ПОДВИЖНОСТЬ ТЯЖЕЛЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВ В ДОННЫХ ОТЛОЖЕНИЯХ И ОСОБЕННОСТИ ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ ЕЕ ИЗМЕНЧИВОСТИ. Российский журнал прикладной экологии, (2), 61–67. https://doi.org/10.24852/2411-7374.2022.2.61.67



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