
  • Артур Олегович Аськеев Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28
  • Олег Васильевич Аськеев Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28
  • Игорь Васильевич Аськеев Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28
  • Сергей Павлович Монахов Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28

Ключевые слова:

усатый голец, обыкновенный гольян, обыкновенный пескарь, факторы среды, точки оптимума и ширина ниши


В статье приводятся результаты исследования по экологии усатого гольца, обыкновенного гольяна и обыкновенного пескаря в малых реках Республики Татарстан. Проанализированы предпочтения выбранных видов рыб к девяти переменным окружающей среды. Выявлены точки оптимума и ширина экологической ниши рыб по пяти факторам окружающей среды.

Библиографические ссылки

Аськеев А.О., Аськеев О.В., Аськеев И.В., Монахов С.П., Яныбаев Н.М. Экология обыкновенного подкаменщика в градиентах факторов окружающей среды рек Татарстана и Башкортостана // Российский журнал прикладной экологии. 2015. №4. С. 10‒16.

Аськеев А.О., Аськеев О.В., Аськеев И.В., Монахов С.П. Численность, встречаемость, историческое и современное распространение европейского хариуса и налима в градиентах окружающей среды в реках Республики Татарстан // Российский журнал прикладной экологии. 2016. №4. С. 17‒22.

Кузнецов В.А. Рыбы Волжско-Камского края. Казань, 2005. 208 с.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Askeyev I. Long-term woodpecker winter population dynamics in the Tatarstan Republic // Vogelwelt. 2017. V. 137. P. 130‒133.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Yanybaev N., Askeyev I., Monakhov S., Marić S., Hulsman K. River fish assemblages along an elevation gradient in the eastern extremity of Europe // Environmental Biology of fishes. 2017. V. 100. P. 585‒596.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Askeyev I. Owls as bioindicators: their spatial and temporal aspects in Eastern Europe // European journal of ecology. 2019. V. 5(2). P. 8−15.

Askeyev O., Askeyev I., Askeyev A., Monakhov S., Yanybaev N. River fish assemblages in relation to environmental factors in the eastern extremity of Europe (Tatarstan Republic, Russia) // Environmental biology of fishes. 2015. №98. P. 1277‒1293.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Bird winter population dynamics in edge east Europe // Vogelwelt. 2017. V. 137. P. 134‒142.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Recent climate change has increased forest winter bird densities in East Europe // Ecological research. 2018. V. 33(2). P. 445−456.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Rapid climate change has increased post-breeding and autumn bird density at the eastern limit of Europe // Ecological research. 2020. V. 35. P. 235−242.

Birzaks J. Occurrence, abundance and biomass of fish in rivers of Latvia in accordance with river typology // Zoology and Ecology. 2012. V. 22, №1. P. 9‒19.

12. Buisson L., Grenouillet G., Villéger S., Canal J., Laffaille P. Toward a loss of functional diversity in stream fish assemblages under climate change // Global change biology. 2013. №19. P. 387‒400.

Comte L., Grenouillet G. Do stream fish track climate change? Assessing distribution shifts in recent decades // Ecography. 2013. №36. P. 1236‒1246.

Fieseler C., Wolter C. A fish-based typology of small temperate rivers in the northeastern lowlands of Germany // Limnologica. 2006. V. 36, Iss. 1. P. 2-16

Kestemont P., Goffaux D. Metric Selection and Sampling Procedures for FAME (D 4 6) Final report. The FAME project, 2002. 90 p.

Lamouroux N., Souchon Y. Simple predictions of instream habitat model outputs for fish habitat guilds in large streams // Freshwater biology. 2002. V. 47. P. 1531–1542.

Logez M., Bady P., Pont D. Modelling the habitat requirement of riverine fish species at the European scale: sensitivity to temperature and precipitation and associated uncertainty // Ecology of freshwater fish. 2012. V. 21. P. 266–282.

Lusk S., Pivnicka K. Fish assemblages in the Czech Republic - species saturation. Frequency and changes along the longitudinal stream gradient // Acta Universitatis environmentalica. 2009. №1. P. 45‒68.

Maire A., Laffaille P., Maire J. Identification of priority areas for the conservation of stream fish assemblages: implications for river management in France // River research and applications. 2016. V. 34, №4. P. 524‒537.

Mastrorillo S., Dauba F., Belaud A. Microhabitat use by minnow, gudgeon and stone loach in three rivers in south-western France // International journal of limnology. 1996. V. 32, №3. P. 185–195.

Pekarik L., Svatora M., Kosco J. Longitudinal structures of fish assemblages in a minimally disturbed stream // Biologia. 2011. V. 66, №5. P. 886–893

Radinger J., Wolter C., Kail J. Spatial scaling of environmental cariables improves species-habitat models of fishes in a Small, Sand-Bed Lowland River // PloS. 2015. P. 1‒19.

Saly P., Takacs P., Kiss I. The relative influence of spatial context and catchment and site-scale environmental factors on stream fish assemblages in a human-modified landscape // Ecology of freshwater fish. 2011. Vol. 20, Iss. 2. P. 251–262.

Santoul F., Cayrou J., Mastrorillo S., Cereghino R. Spatial patterns of the biological traits of fresh water fish communities in south-west France // Journal of fish biology. Vol. 6, Iss. 2. 2005. P. 301–314.

Stakenas S. Habitat use by 0+ fishes in small rivers of Lithuania // Acta zoologica Lituanica. 2002. V.12, №1. P. 30‒41.

Sutela T., Vehanen T. Responses of fluvial fish assemblages to agriculture within the boreal zone // Fish management and ecology. 2010. V.17. P. 141‒145.

Takács P., Csoma E., Eros T., Nagy A.S. Distribution patterns a genetic variability of three stream-dwelling fish species // Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae. 2008. V. 54. P. 289-303.

ter Braak C., van Dam H. Inferring pH from diatoms: a comparison of old and new calibration methods // Hydrobiologia. 1989. V. 178. P. 209–223.


Библиографические ссылки

Askeyev A.O., Askeyev O.V., Askeyev I.V., Monakhov S.P., Yanybaev N.M. Ekologiya obyknovennogo podkamenshchika v gradientah faktorov okruzhayushchej sredy rek Tatarstana i Bashkortostana [Bullhead ecology in environmental gradients of the rivers in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan] // Rossijskij zhurnal prikladnoj ekologii [Russian journal of applied ecology]. 2015. No 4. P. 10‒16.

Askeyev A.O., Askeyev O.V., Askeyev I.V., Monakhov S.P. Chislennost', vstrechaemost', istoricheskoe i sovremennoe rasprostranenie evropejskogo hariusa i nalima v gradientah okruzhayushchej sredy v rekah Respubliki Tatarstan [Number, occurrence, historical and present distribution of European grayling and burbot along environmental gradients in rivers of the Republic of Tatarstan] // Rossijskij zhurnal prikladnoj ekologii [Russian journal of applied ecology]. 2016. No 4. P. 17‒22.

Kuznecov V.A. Ryby Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya [Fish of the Volga-Kama region]. Kazan', 2005. 208 p.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Askeyev I. Long-term woodpecker winter population dynamics in the Tatarstan Republic // Vogelwelt. 2017. Vol. 137. P. 130‒133.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Yanybaev N., Askeyev I., Monakhov S., Marić S., Hulsman K. River fish assemblages along an elevation gradient in the eastern extremity of Europe // Environmental Biology of fishes. 2017. Vol. 100. P. 585‒596.

Askeyev A., Askeyev O., Askeyev I. Owls as bioindicators: their spatial and temporal aspects in Eastern Europe // European journal of ecology. 2019. Vol. 5(2). P. 8−15.

Askeyev O., Askeyev I., Askeyev A., Monakhov S., Yanybaev N. River fish assemblages in relation to environmental factors in the eastern extremity of Europe (Tatarstan Republic, Russia) // Environmental biology of fishes. 2015. No 98. P. 1277‒1293.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Bird winter population dynamics in edge east Europe // Vogelwelt. 2017. Vol. 137. P. 134‒142.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Recent climate change has increased forest winter bird densities in East Europe // Ecological research. 2018. Vol. 33(2). P. 445−456.

Askeyev O., Askeyev A., Askeyev I. Rapid climate change has increased post-breeding and autumn bird density at the eastern limit of Europe // Ecological research. 2020. Vol. 35. P. 235−242.

Birzaks J. Occurrence, abundance and biomass of fish in rivers of Latvia in accordance with river typology // Zoology and Ecology. 2012. Vol. 22, №1. P. 9‒19.

Buisson L., Grenouillet G., Villéger S., Canal J., Laffaille P. Toward a loss of functional diversity in stream fish assemblages under climate change // Global Change Biology. 2013. №19. P. 387‒400.

Comte L., Grenouillet G. Do stream fish track climate change? Assessing distribution shifts in recent decades // Ecography. 2013. No 36. P. 1236‒1246.

Fieseler C., Wolter C. A fish-based typology of small temperate rivers in the northeastern lowlands of Germany // Limnologica. 2006. Vol. 36, Iss. 1. P. 2‒16

Kestemont P., Goffaux D. Metric Selection and Sampling Procedures for FAME (D 4 6) Final report. The FAME project, 2002. 90 p.

Lamouroux N., Souchon Y. Simple predictions of instream habitat model outputs for fish habitat guilds in large streams // Freshwater Biology. 2002. Vol. 47. P. 1531–1542.

Logez M., Bady P., Pont D. Modelling the habitat requirement of riverine fish species at the European scale: sensitivity to temperature and precipitation and associated uncertainty // Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2012. Vol. 21. P. 266–282.

Lusk S., Pivnicka K. Fish assemblages in the Czech Republic - species saturation. Frequency and changes along the longitudinal stream gradient // Acta Universitatis environmentalica. 2009. No 1. P. 45‒68.

Maire A., Laffaille P., Maire J. Identification of priority areas for the conservation of stream fish assemblages: implications for river management in France // River research and applications. 2016. Vol. 34, No 4. P. 524-537.

Mastrorillo S., Dauba F., Belaud A. Microhabitat use by minnow, gudgeon and stone loach in three rivers in south-western France // International journal of limnology. 1996. Vol. 32, No 3. P. 185 –195.

Pekarik L., Svatora M., Kosco J. Longitudinal structures of fish assemblages in a minimally disturbed stream // Biologia. 2011. Vol. 66, No 5. P. 886–893

Radinger J., Wolter C., Kail J. Spatial scaling of environmental cariables improves species-habitat models of fishes in a Small, Sand-Bed Lowland River // PloS. 2015. P. 1‒19.

Saly P., Takacs P., Kiss I. The relative influence of spatial context and catchment and site-scale environmental factors on stream fish assemblages in a human-modified landscape // Ecology of freshwater fish. 2011. Vol. 20, Iss. 2. P. 251–262.

Santoul F., Cayrou J., Mastrorillo S., Cereghino R. Spatial patterns of the biological traits of fresh water fish communities in south-west France // Journal of fish biology. Vol. 6, Iss. 2. 2005. P. 301–314.

Stakenas S. Habitat use by 0+ fishes in small rivers of Lithuania // Acta zoologica Lituanica. 2002. V. 12, No 1. P. 30‒41.

Sutela T., Vehanen T. Responses of fluvial fish assemblages to agriculture within the boreal zone // Fish management and ecology. 2010. Vol. 17. P. 141‒145.

Takács P., Csoma E., Eros T., Nagy A.S. Distribution patterns a genetic variability of three stream-dwelling fish species // Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae. 2008. Vol. 54. P. 289‒303.

ter Braak C., van Dam H. Inferring pH from diatoms: a comparison of old and new calibration methods // Hydrobiologia. 1989. Vol. 178. P. 209–223.




Как цитировать

Аськеев , А. О., Аськеев , О. В., Аськеев , И. В., & Монахов , С. П. (2020). ЭКОЛОГИЯ УСАТОГО ГОЛЬЦА, ОБЫКНОВЕННОГО (РЕЧНОГО) ГОЛЬЯНА И ОБЫКНОВЕННОГО ПЕСКАРЯ В ГРАДИЕНТАХ ОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ В МАЛЫХ РЕКАХ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ТАТАРСТАН . Российский журнал прикладной экологии, (3), 3–8. извлечено от https://rjae.ru/index.php/rjae/article/view/29




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