
  • Татьяна Борисовна Калинникова Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28
  • Марат Хамитович Гайнутдинов Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28
  • Рифгат Роальдович Шагидуллин Институт проблем экологии и недропользования АН РТ, 420087, Россия, г. Казань, ул. Даурская, 28

Ключевые слова:

цианобактерии, цианотоксины, контроль численности цианобактерий, очистка питьевой воды от цианотоксинов


Цианотоксины представляют потенциальную опасность для здоровья человека при их поступлении в организм с питьевой водой. Поэтому важен контроль как численности токсичных цианобактерий на водозаборах, так и эффективности очистки питьевой воды от цианобактерий и продуцируемых ими токсинов. В работе дана характеристика уровней опасности загрязнения воды цианотоксинами и приведены программы мониторинга водных объектов в зависимости от численности цианобактерий в водоеме. Представлен обзор физических, химических и биологических методов снижения численности цианобактерий в водоемах. Рассмотрены методы очистки питьевой воды от цианотоксинов.

Библиографические ссылки

  1. Белых О.И., Гладких А.С., Сороковикова Е.Г., Тихонова И.В., Потапов А.С., Федорова Г.А. Микроцистин-продуцирующие цианобактерии в водоемах России, Беларуси и Украины // Химия в интересах устойчивого развития. 2013. Т. 21. С. 363–378.
  2. Калинникова Т.Б., Гайнутдинов М.Х., Шагидуллин Р.Р. Цианотоксины – потенциальная опасность для пресноводных экосистем и здоровья человека // Российский журнал прикладной экологии. 2017. №2. С. 3–19.
  3. Никитин О.В., Степанова Н.Ю., Мукминов Н.М. Индикация цианотоксинов в природных водах Республики Татарстан // Уч. Зап. КГАВМ. 2012. Т. 212. С. 341–344.
  4. Agrawal M., Yadav S., Patel C., Raipuria N., Agrawal M.K. Bioassay methods to identify the presence of cyanotoxins in drinking water supplies and their removal strategies // Eur. J. Exp. Biol. 2012. V. 2. P. 321–336.
  5. Ahn C.Y., Park M.H., Joung S.H., Kim H.S., Jang K.Y., Oh H.M. Growth inhibition of cyanobacteria by ultrasonic radiation: laboratory and enclosure studies // Environ. Sci. Tech. 2003. V. 37. P. 3031–3037.
  6. Atkins R., Rose T., Brown R.S., Robb M. The Microcystis cyanobacteria bloom in the Swan river – February 2000 // Wat. Sci. Tec. 2001. V. 43. P. 107–114.
  7. Barrett P.R.F., Curnow J.C., Littlejohn J.W. The control of diatom and cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs using barley straw // Hydrobiologia. 1996. V. 340. P. 307–311.
  8. Becker A., Herschel A., Wlhelm C. Biological effects of incomplete destratification of hypertrophic freshwater reservoir // Hydrobiologia. 2006. V. 559. P. 85–100.
  9. Beutel M.W., Horne A.J. A review of the effects of hypolimnetic oxygenation on lake and reservoir water quality // Lake Reserv. Manage. 1999. V. 15. P. 285–297.
  10. Burch M.D. Effective doses, guidelines and regulations // Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2008. V. 619. P. 831–853.
  11. Chorus I., Mur L. Preventative measures // Toxic cyanobacteria in water / Eds. I. Chorus, J. Bartram. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 1999. P. 232–266.
  12. Chow C.W.K., Drikas M., House J., Burch M.D., Velzeboer R.M.A. The impact of conventional water treatment processes on cells of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa // Water Res. 1999. V. 33. P. 3253–3262.
  13. Codd G.A., Azevedo S.M.F.O., Bagchi S.., Burch M.D., Carmichael W.W., Kaya K., Utkilen H.C. CYANONET. A global network for cyanobacterial bloom and toxin risk management. Initial situation assessment and recommendations // INt. Hydrol. Progr VI (Unesco, Paris), Tech. Doc. Hydrol. 2005. №76. 138 p.
  14. Colomina I., Molina P. Unmanned aerial system for photogrammetry and remote sensing: a review // ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 2014. V. 92. P. 79–97.
  15. Current methodology for the control of algae in surface reservoirs. Denver, 1987. 198 p.
  16. Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins: information for drinking water systems. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014. 11 p.
  17. Drabkova M., Admiraal W., Marsalek B. Combined exposure to hydrogen peroxide and light – selective effects on cyanobacteria, green algae, and diatoms // Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007. V. 41. P. 309–314.
  18. Drobac D., Tokodi N., Simenovic J., Baltic V., Stanic D., Svircev Z. Human exposure to cyanotoxins and their effects on health // Arh. Hig. Rada. Toksikol. 2013. V. 64. P. 305–316.
  19. Du Preez H.H., Van Baalen L. Generic incident management framework for toxic blue-green algal blooms, for application by potable water suppliers. WRS Report TT 263/06. Water Research Commission. Pretoria, 2006. 65 p.
  20. Everall N.C., Lees D.R. The use of barley straw to control general and blue-green algal growth in a Derbyshire reservoir // Water Res. 1996. V. 30. P. 269–276.
  21. Fawell J.K., Hart J., James H.A., Parr W. Blue-green algae and their toxins – analysis, toxicity, treatment and environmental control // Water Supply. 1993. V. 11. P. 109–121.
  22. Fitzerald G.P. Use of potassium permanganate for control of problem algae // J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 1966. V. 58. P. 609–614.
  23. Fitzerald G.P., Faust S.L. Factors affecting the algicidal and algistatic properties of copper // Applied Microbiol. 1963. V. 11. P. 345–351.
  24. Fristachi A., Hall S. Occurrence of cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms workgroup report // Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2008. V. 619. P. 45–103.
  25. Garcia A.C.A., Rodriguez M.A.S., Xavier J.L.N., Gazulla V., Meneguzzi A., Bernardes A.M. Degradation of cyanotoxins (mycrocystin) in drinking water using photoelectrooxidation // Braz. J. Biol. 2015. V. 75, №2 (suppl.). P. 45–49.
  26. Grutzmacher G., Böttcher G., Chorus I., Bartel H. Removal of microcystins by slow sand filtration // Environ. Toxicol. 2002. V. 17. P. 386–394.
  27. Guidance on water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events. WHO, 2011. 104 p.
  28. Hanson M.J., Stefan H.G. Side effects of 58 years of copper sulphate treatment of the Fairmount lakes, Minnesota // Water Resour. Bull. 1984. V. 20. P. 889–900.
  29. Hena S., Rozi R., Tabassum S., Huda A. Simultaneous removal of potent cyanotoxins from water using magnetophoretic nanoparticles of polypyrrole: adsorption kinetic and isotherm study // Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2016. V. 23. P. 14868–14880.
  30. Heo W.M., Kim B. The effect of artificial destratification on phytoplankton in a reservoir // Hydrobiologia. 2004. P. 229–239.
  31. Ho L., Tanis-Plant P., Kayal N., Slyman N., Newcombe G. Optimising water treatment practices for the removal of Anabaena circinalis and its associated metabolites, geosmin and saxitoxins // J. Water Health. 2008. V. 7. P. 544–556.
  32. Hobson P., Fazekas C., House J., Daly R., Kidea T., Giglio S., Burch M., Lin T.-F., Chen Y.-M. Tastes and odours in reservoirs. WQRA. Research Report 73. 2010. 97 p.
  33. Holden W.S. The control of organisms associated with water supplies // Water treatment and examination / Ed. W.S. Holden. London: J.&A.Churchill, 1970. P. 453–460.
  34. Hrudey S., Burch M., Drikas M., Gregory R. Remedial measures // Toxic cyanobacteria in water / Eds. I. Chorus, J.Bartram. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 1999. P. 267–301.
  35. Humburg N.E., Colby S.R., Lym R.G., Hill E.R., McAvoy W.J., Kitchen L.M., Prasad R. Herbicide handbook of the weed science society of America. 6th ed. Champaign, Illinois, 1989. 301 p.
  36. Information sheet 1: Control of algae with barley straw. Centre for Hydrology and Ecology, Natural Environment Research Council and the Centre for Aquatic Plant Management. Wallingford, England, 2004. 13 p.
  37. International guidance manual for the management of toxic cyanobacteria. London, 2009. 93 p.
  38. Jelbart J. Effect of rotting barley straw on cyanobacteria: a laboratory investigation // Water. 1993. V. 20. P. 31–32.
  39. Kubiak K.A., Kotlarz J., Mazur A.M. Monitoring cyanobacteria blooms in fresh water lakes using remote sensing methods // Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2016. V. 25. P. 27–35.
  40. McKnight D.M., Chisholm S.W., Harleman D.R.F. CuSO4 treatment of nuisance algal blooms in drinking water reservoirs // Environ. Manage. 1983. V. 7. P. 311–320.
  41. Meriluoto J., Blaha L., Bojadzija G., Bormans M., Brient L., Codd G.A., Drobac D., Faasen E.J., Fastner J., Hiskia A., Ibeling B.W., Kaloudis T., Kokocinski M., Kurmayer R., Pantelić D., Quesada A., Salmaso N., Tokodi N/. Triantis T.M., Visser P.M., Svirčev Z. Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in European waters – recent progress achieved through CYANOCOST Action and challenges for further research // Adv. Oceanogr. Limnol. 2017. V. 8. P. 161–178.
  42. Murphy T.P., Prepas E.E., Lim J.T., Crosby J.M., Walty D.T. Evaluation of calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide treatments of prairie drinking water dugouts // Lake Reserv. Manage. 1990. V. 6. P. 101–108.
  43. Newcombe G., House J., Ho L., Baker P., Burch M. Management strategies for cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and their toxins: a guide for water utilities. WQRA. Research Report 74. 2010. 101 p.
  44. Newman J.R., Barrett P.R.F. Control of Microcystis aeruginosa by decomposing barley straw // J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 1983. V. 31. P. 203–206.
  45. Pandhal J., Siswanto A., Kuvshinov D., Zimmerman W.B., Lawton L., Edwards C. Cell lysis and detoxification of cyanotoxins using a novel combination of microbubble generation and plasma microreactor technology for ozonation // Front. Microbiol. 2018. V. 9. Article 678. 11 p.
  46. Pelegrini R.T., Freire R.S., Duran N., Bertazzolli R. Photoassisted electrochemical degradation of organic pollutants on a DSA type oxide electrode: process test for a phenol synthetic solution and its application for the E1 bleach Kraft mill effluent // Environ. Sci. Tech. 2001. V. 35. P. 22849–2853.
  47. Petruševsky B., van Breemen A.N., Alaerts G. Effect of permanganate pre-trearment and coagulation with dual coagulants on algae removal in direct filtration // J. Water Supply Res. Tech. 1996. V. 45. P. 316–326.
  48. Reynolds C.S., Wiseman S.W., Godfrey B.M., Butterwick C. Some effects of artificial mixing on the dynamics of phytoplankton populations in large limnetic enclosures // J. Plankton. Res. 1983. V. 5. P. 203–234.
  49. Rodriguez E., Onstad G.D., Kull T.P.J. Oxidative elimination of cyanotoxins: comparison of ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide and permanganate // Water Res. 2007. V. 41. P. 3381–3393.
  50. Sanchez I., Lee G.F. Environmental chemistry of copper in lake Monona, Wisconsin // Water Res. 1978. V. 12. P. 899–903.
  51. Schladow S.G. Lake destratification by bubble-plume systems: design and methodology // J. Hydraul. Eng. 1993. V. 119. P. 350–368.
  52. Senogles P.-J., Scott J.A., Shaw G., Stratton H. Photocatalytic degradation of the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin, using titanium dioxide and UV irradiation // Water Res. 2001. V. 35. P. 1245–1255.
  53. Tang J.W., Wen J., Yu W.Q., Hao H.W., Chen Y., Wu M. Effects of 1.7 MHz ultrasound on a gas-vacuolate cyanobacterium and a gas-vacuole negative cyanobacterium // Colloids Surf. B, Biointerfaces. 2004. V. 36. P. 115–121.
  54. Tsuji K., Naito S., Kondo F., Ishikawa N., Watanabe M.F., Suzuki M., Harada K.-I. Stability of microcystins from cyanobacteria: effect of light on decomposition and isomerization // Environ. Sci. Tech. 1994. V. 28. P. 173–177.
  55. Welch I.M., Barrett P.R.F., Gibson M.T., Ridge I. Barley straw as an inhibitor of algal growth I: studies in the Chesterfield Canal // J. Appl. Phycol. 1990. V. 2. P. 231–239.
  56. World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines for drinking water quality. 4th ed. Geneva: WHO, 2011. 541 p.
  57. Zhang G.M., Zhang P.Y., Wang B., Liu H. Ultrasonic frequency effects on the removal of Microcystis aeruginosa // Ultrason. Sonochem. 2006. V. 13. P. 446–450.


Библиографические ссылки

Belykh O.I., Gladkikh A.S., Sorokovikova E.G., Tikhonova I.V., Potapov A.S., Fedorova G.A. Mikrocistin-ptoduciruyushchie cianobakterii v vodoemakh Rossii, Belarusi I Ukrainy [Microcistin-produsing cyanobacteria in water bodies of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine] // Khimiya v interesakh ustoichivogo razvitiya [Chemistry in the interests of sustained development]. 2013. V. 21. P. 363–378.

Kalinnikova T.B., Gainutdinov M.Kh., Shagidullin R.R. Cianotoksiny – potencialnaya opasnost dlya presnovodnykh ekosystem i zdorov'ya cheloveka [Cyanotoxins – potential hazard for freshwater ecosystems and human's health] // Rossijskij zhurnal prikladnoj ecologii [Russian journal of applied ecology]. 2017. No 2. P. 3–19.

Nikitin O.V., Stapanova N.Yu., Mukminov N.M. Indikaciya cianotoksinov v prirodnykh vodakh Respubliki Tatarstan [Cyanotoxin indication in natural waters of Tatarstan Republic] // Uchenye zapiski KGAVM – Proceedings of Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. 2012. V. 212. P. 341–344.

Agrawal M., Yadav S., Patel C., Raipuria N., Agrawal M.K. Bioassay methods to identify the presence of cyanotoxins in drinking water supplies and their removal strategies // Eur. J. Exp. Biol. 2012. V. 2. P. 321–336.

Ahn C.Y., Park M.H., Joung S.H., Kim H.S., Jang K.Y., Oh H.M. Growth inhibition of cyanobacteria by ultrasonic radiation: laboratory and enclosure studies // Environ. Sci. Tech. 2003. V. 37. P. 3031–3037.

Atkins R., Rose T., Brown R.S., Robb M. The Microcystis cyanobacteria bloom in the Swan river – February 2000 // Wat. Sci. Tec. 2001. V. 43. P. 107–114.

Barrett P.R.F., Curnow J.C., Littlejohn J.W. The control of diatom and cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs using barley straw // Hydrobiologia. 1996. V. 340. P. 307–311.

Becker A., Herschel A., Wlhelm C. Biological effects of incomplete destratification of hypertrophic freshwater reservoir // Hydrobiologia. 2006. V. 559. P. 85–100.

Beutel M.W., Horne A.J. A review of the effects of hypolimnetic oxygenation on lake and reservoir water quality // Lake Reserv. Manage. 1999. V. 15. P. 285–297.

Burch M.D. Effective doses, guidelines and regulations // Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2008. V. 619. P. 831–853.

Chorus I., Mur L. Preventative measures // Toxic cyanobacteria in water / Eds. I. Chorus, J. Bartram. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 1999. P. 232–266.

Chow C.W.K., Drikas M., House J., Burch M.D., Velzeboer R.M.A. The impact of conventional water treatment processes on cells of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa // Water Res. 1999. V. 33. P. 3253–3262.

Codd G.A., Azevedo S.M.F.O., Bagchi S.., Burch M.D., Carmichael W.W., Kaya K., Utkilen H.C. CYANONET. A global network for cyanobacterial bloom and toxin risk management. Initial situation assessment and recommendations // INt. Hydrol. Progr VI (Unesco, Paris), Tech. Doc. Hydrol. 2005. №76. 138 p.

Colomina I., Molina P. Unmanned aerial system for photogrammetry and remote sensing: a review // ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 2014. V. 92. P. 79–97.

Current methodology for the control of algae in surface reservoirs. Denver, 1987. 198 p.

Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins: information for drinking water systems. United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2014. 11 p.

Drabkova M., Admiraal W., Marsalek B. Combined exposure to hydrogen peroxide and light – selective effects on cyanobacteria, green algae, and diatoms // Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007. V. 41. P. 309–314.

Drobac D., Tokodi N., Simenovic J., Baltic V., Stanic D., Svircev Z. Human exposure to cyanotoxins and their effects on health // Arh. Hig. Rada. Toksikol. 2013. V. 64. P. 305–316.

Du Preez H.H., Van Baalen L. Generic incident management framework for toxic blue-green algal blooms, for application by potable water suppliers. WRS Report TT 263/06. Water Research Commission. Pretoria, 2006. 65 p.

Everall N.C., Lees D.R. The use of barley straw to control general and blue-green algal growth in a Derbyshire reservoir // Water Res. 1996. V. 30. P. 269–276.

Fawell J.K., Hart J., James H.A., Parr W. Blue-green algae and their toxins – analysis, toxicity, treatment and environmental control // Water Supply. 1993. V. 11. P. 109–121.

Fitzerald G.P. Use of potassium permanganate for control of problem algae // J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 1966. V. 58. P. 609–614.

Fitzerald G.P., Faust S.L. Factors affecting the algicidal and algistatic properties of copper // Applied Microbiol. 1963. V. 11. P. 345–351.

Fristachi A., Hall S. Occurrence of cyanobacterial harmful algae blooms workgroup report // Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2008. V. 619. P. 45–103.

Garcia A.C.A., Rodriguez M.A.S., Xavier J.L.N., Gazulla V., Meneguzzi A., Bernardes A.M. Degradation of cyanotoxins (mycrocystin) in drinking water using photoelectrooxidation // Braz. J. Biol. 2015. V. 75, №2 (suppl.). P. 45–49.

Grutzmacher G., Böttcher G., Chorus I., Bartel H. Removal of microcystins by slow sand filtration // Environ. Toxicol. 2002. V. 17. P. 386–394.

Guidance on water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events. WHO, 2011. 104 p.

Hanson M.J., Stefan H.G. Side effects of 58 years of copper sulphate treatment of the Fairmount lakes, Minnesota // Water Resour. Bull. 1984. V. 20. P. 889–900.

Hena S., Rozi R., Tabassum S., Huda A. Simultaneous removal of potent cyanotoxins from water using magnetophoretic nanoparticles of polypyrrole: adsorption kinetic and isotherm study // Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2016. V. 23. P. 14868–14880.

Heo W.M., Kim B. The effect of artificial destratification on phytoplankton in a reservoir // Hydrobiologia. 2004. P. 229–239.

Ho L., Tanis-Plant P., Kayal N., Slyman N., Newcombe G. Optimising water treatment practices for the removal of Anabaena circinalis and its associated metabolites, geosmin and saxitoxins // J. Water Health. 2008. V. 7. P. 544–556.

Hobson P., Fazekas C., House J., Daly R., Kidea T., Giglio S., Burch M., Lin T.-F., Chen Y.-M. Tastes and odours in reservoirs. WQRA. Research Report 73. 2010. 97 p.

Holden W.S. The control of organisms associated with water supplies // Water treatment and examination / Ed. W.S. Holden. London: J.&A.Churchill, 1970. P. 453–460.

Hrudey S., Burch M., Drikas M., Gregory R. Remedial measures // Toxic cyanobacteria in water / Eds. I. Chorus, J.Bartram. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 1999. P. 267–301.

Humburg N.E., Colby S.R., Lym R.G., Hill E.R., McAvoy W.J., Kitchen L.M., Prasad R. Herbicide handbook of the weed science society of America. 6th ed. Champaign, Illinois, 1989. 301 p.

Information sheet 1: Control of algae with barley straw. Centre for Hydrology and Ecology, Natural Environment Research Council and the Centre for Aquatic Plant Management. Wallingford, England, 2004. 13 p.

International guidance manual for the management of toxic cyanobacteria. London, 2009. 93 p.

Jelbart J. Effect of rotting barley straw on cyanobacteria: a laboratory investigation // Water. 1993. V. 20. P. 31–32.

Kubiak K.A., Kotlarz J., Mazur A.M. Monitoring cyanobacteria blooms in fresh water lakes using remote sensing methods // Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2016. V. 25. P. 27–35.

McKnight D.M., Chisholm S.W., Harleman D.R.F. CuSO4 treatment of nuisance algal blooms in drinking water reservoirs // Environ. Manage. 1983. V. 7. P. 311–320.

Meriluoto J., Blaha L., Bojadzija G., Bormans M., Brient L., Codd G.A., Drobac D., Faasen E.J., Fastner J., Hiskia A., Ibeling B.W., Kaloudis T., Kokocinski M., Kurmayer R., Pantelić D., Quesada A., Salmaso N., Tokodi N/. Triantis T.M., Visser P.M., Svirčev Z. Toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in European waters – recent progress achieved through CYANOCOST Action and challenges for further research // Adv. Oceanogr. Limnol. 2017. V. 8. P. 161–178.

Murphy T.P., Prepas E.E., Lim J.T., Crosby J.M., Walty D.T. Evaluation of calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide treatments of prairie drinking water dugouts // Lake Reserv. Manage. 1990. V. 6. P. 101–108.

Newcombe G., House J., Ho L., Baker P., Burch M. Management strategies for cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and their toxins: a guide for water utilities. WQRA. Research Report 74. 2010. 101 p.

Newman J.R., Barrett P.R.F. Control of Microcystis aeruginosa by decomposing barley straw // J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 1983. V. 31. P. 203–206.

Pandhal J., Siswanto A., Kuvshinov D., Zimmerman W.B., Lawton L., Edwards C. Cell lysis and detoxification of cyanotoxins using a novel combination of microbubble generation and plasma microreactor technology for ozonation // Front. Microbiol. 2018. V. 9. Article 678. 11 p.

Pelegrini R.T., Freire R.S., Duran N., Bertazzolli R. Photoassisted electrochemical degradation of organic pollutants on a DSA type oxide electrode: process test for a phenol synthetic solution and its application for the E1 bleach Kraft mill effluent // Environ. Sci. Tech. 2001. V. 35. P. 22849–2853.

Petruševsky B., van Breemen A.N., Alaerts G. Effect of permanganate pre-trearment and coagulation with dual coagulants on algae removal in direct filtration // J. Water Supply Res. Tech. 1996. V. 45. P. 316–326.

Reynolds C.S., Wiseman S.W., Godfrey B.M., Butterwick C. Some effects of artificial mixing on the dynamics of phytoplankton populations in large limnetic enclosures // J. Plankton. Res. 1983. V. 5. P. 203–234.

Rodriguez E., Onstad G.D., Kull T.P.J. Oxidative elimination of cyanotoxins: comparison of ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide and permanganate // Water Res. 2007. V. 41. P. 3381–3393.

Sanchez I., Lee G.F. Environmental chemistry of copper in lake Monona, Wisconsin // Water Res. 1978. V. 12. P. 899–903.

Schladow S.G. Lake destratification by bubble-plume systems: design and methodology // J. Hydraul. Eng. 1993. V. 119. P. 350–368.

Senogles P.-J., Scott J.A., Shaw G., Stratton H. Photocatalytic degradation of the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin, using titanium dioxide and UV irradiation // Water Res. 2001. V. 35. P. 1245–1255.

Tang J.W., Wen J., Yu W.Q., Hao H.W., Chen Y., Wu M. Effects of 1.7 MHz ultrasound on a gas-vacuolate cyanobacterium and a gas-vacuole negative cyanobacterium // Colloids Surf. B, Biointerfaces. 2004. V. 36. P. 115–121.

Tsuji K., Naito S., Kondo F., Ishikawa N., Watanabe M.F., Suzuki M., Harada K.-I. Stability of microcystins from cyanobacteria: effect of light on decomposition and isomerization // Environ. Sci. Tech. 1994. V. 28. P. 173–177.

Welch I.M., Barrett P.R.F., Gibson M.T., Ridge I. Barley straw as an inhibitor of algal growth I: studies in the Chesterfield Canal // J. Appl. Phycol. 1990. V. 2. P. 231–239.

World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines for drinking water quality. 4th ed. Geneva: WHO, 2011. 541 p.

Zhang G.M., Zhang P.Y., Wang B., Liu H. Ultrasonic frequency effects on the removal of Microcystis aeruginosa // Ultrason. Sonochem. 2006. V. 13. P. 446–450.




Как цитировать

Калинникова , Т. Б., Гайнутдинов , М. Х., & Шагидуллин , Р. Р. (2019). МЕТОДЫ КОНТРОЛЯ ЧИСЛЕННОСТИ ЦИАНОБАКТЕРИЙ В ВОДОЕМАХ И ОЧИСТКИ ПИТЬЕВОЙ ВОДЫ ОТ ЦИАНОТОКСИНОВ. Российский журнал прикладной экологии, (4), 33–45. извлечено от https://rjae.ru/index.php/rjae/article/view/61




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